Problematic People Pleasing - coaching for lawyers

Problematic People Pleasing… Finding power in the tricky two letter word “No”

Do you struggle to say no? Have you ever been stretched too thinly as a result? Can you relate to the feeling that you’ve said yes to so much that …

The Presumption of Resilience and How to Enhance Yours - coaching for lawyers

The Presumption of Resilience – and How to Enhance Yours

Article for Counsel Magazine, published September 2023 An 8 minute read on the trials and tribulations of advancing your career in law; from pupillage to the bar and beyond, along …

summer reset button work life balance career progression in law

Ready for a Summer ‘Re-set’?

Article for Counsel Magazine, published July 2023 A 5 minute read on being ready to take a summer break and hit that reset button, and the benefits of doing so. …

coaching for lawyers achieving work life balance

Life Balance and How to Achieve It… through mindset, prioritisation and boundaries

A 6 minute read on the pressures of working in the legal profession, especially post-pandemic, where we seem to have enabled the encroachment of work into our personal lives even …

coaching for lawyers mens roles in gender diversity

No Man in Sight: How Male Allies Hold the Key to Avoiding Gender Diversity Silos in the Legal Profession

A 7 minute read on how men can help in the fight for equality in the workplace and 10 strategies to help them become an authentic ally. All Welcome Round …

talent retention the great resignation

Leading through The Great Resignation: How Leaders working flexibly, creating healthy boundaries and promoting open communication can support staff retention

A four minute read on strategies to help law firms combat The Great Resignation and retain talent within their organisation. Leaders getting clued up about The Great Resignation Of 30000 …