Lift Whilst Rising Positive Role Models & How to Become One

Lift Whilst Rising: Positive Role Models & How to Become One

Role Models v Mentors It’s a well-established fact that with positive role models or mentors, people experience improved performance and greater satisfaction and achievement at work, and beyond. I’ve written …

Problematic People Pleasing - coaching for lawyers

Problematic People Pleasing… Finding power in the tricky two letter word “No”

Do you struggle to say no? Have you ever been stretched too thinly as a result? Can you relate to the feeling that you’ve said yes to so much that …

Women in career transition Your first 100 days and beyond

Women in career transition: Your first 100 days and beyond

Originally written for The Law Society in 2019 Deciding to decide Time and again my amazingly competent female lawyer clients say that any minute they’re going to get found out, …

coaching for lawyers mens roles in gender diversity

No Man in Sight: How Male Allies Hold the Key to Avoiding Gender Diversity Silos in the Legal Profession

A 7 minute read on how men can help in the fight for equality in the workplace and 10 strategies to help them become an authentic ally. All Welcome Round …

coaching for lawyers avoiding overwhelm

Avoid Overwhelm: Common Threats to Wellbeing and How to Improve it

A 3 minute read on workplace wellbeing including 6 tips on how to avoid overwhelm.  As a former criminal barrister with 19 years’ experience and now a specialist coach empowering …