Four strategies to successfully navigate career breaks in the legal sector

Four strategies to successfully navigate career breaks in the legal sector

Article for Lawcare explaining why it’s important for both individuals and organisations in the legal sector to support those who take breaks in their careers, and provides strategies for both …

Online Career Break Return Course - coaching for lawyers

Return & Rise in Law: Online Career Break Return Course Launching Friday 15th December 2023

STAY – TRANSFORM – LEAD Returner Significance Returners are an important group in the retention challenge in the legal profession, given we know 52% of new entrants to the legal …

career break return coaching benefits for individuals

Career Break Return Coaching: Part 2: 3 Evidence- based Investment Benefits for individuals

A 3 minute read on how career break return can affect the mindset of returners and how coaching helps not only with navigating the return to work, but with career …

career break return coaching benefits for organisations

Career Break Return Coaching: Part 1: 5 Evidence- based Investment Benefits for Organisations

A 5 minute read on how career break return coaching can help both the individual and the long term aims of law firms, with evidence-based benefits for organIsations. Returner Coaching …

coaching for lawyers surviving the great resignation

How Your Firm Can Survive the Great Resignation

A 5 minute read on how law firms can adapt to minimise staff attrition due to the effects of the Great Resignation.  

talent retention the great resignation

Leading through The Great Resignation: How Leaders working flexibly, creating healthy boundaries and promoting open communication can support staff retention

A four minute read on strategies to help law firms combat The Great Resignation and retain talent within their organisation. Leaders getting clued up about The Great Resignation Of 30000 …

International Womens Day - women in law

Resilience, Retention and Rising: How to Break the Bias by retaining women in law

A 5 minute read on overcoming gender bias, the Great Resignation and how women in law can, through coaching, not only survive within the legal profession, but thrive and go …

From flexi-hours to breast pumps: 10 strategies to help career breakers nail a successful return

From flexi-hours to breast pumps: 10 strategies to help career breakers nail a successful return

A four-minute read. Aimed at law firm HR leaders overseeing women during maternity leave but equally applicable to other professions and anyone planning a career break return. I was thrilled …