Avoid Overwhelm: Common Threats to Wellbeing and How to Improve it
A 3 minute read on workplace wellbeing including 6 tips on how to avoid overwhelm. As a former criminal barrister with 19 years’ experience and now a specialist coach empowering …
A 3 minute read on workplace wellbeing including 6 tips on how to avoid overwhelm. As a former criminal barrister with 19 years’ experience and now a specialist coach empowering …
A 5 minute read on how career break return coaching can help both the individual and the long term aims of law firms, with evidence-based benefits for organIsations. Returner Coaching …
A 7 minute read on how utilising resilience techniques such as mindset, perspective and redefining success can help you navigate a cancer diagnosis and treatment. Blog Topic Inspiration When I …
A series of podcasts, in which members of chambers chat with various inspirational women about their experiences of the past year working with and supporting others throughout the pandemic. https://podcasts.apple.com/gb/podcast/pippa-pudney-with-nikki-alderson/id1556883853?i=1000512626694
Guest blog for Lawcare, a legal community that values good mental health and wellbeing, where people thrive. https://www.lawcare.org.uk/get-information/articles/avoid-overwhelm/
Women in Transition: Deciding to Decide, Stepping Up & Your First 100 Days and Beyond Link to my latest blog for the Oxford University Alumna Women in Law – Women …
Coaching and Mentoring: An established need for Women to support other Women I have recently delivered coaching workshops to several membership groups for female lawyers. Notably, the Women in Criminal …
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