Coaching defined
A conversation between 2 people during which the Coach assists the Coachee move from where they currently are to where they want to be, more quickly and effectively than if they had acted alone, thereby supporting the Coachees achievement of their goals. In other words, a non-directive means by which to explore objectives, encourage solutions and deliver high performance. Coaching can work powerfully on an individual basis or within the Corporate setting, the difference being that the latter acknowledges multiple stakeholders within the process and has at its root the overall objectives of the company, perhaps in terms of organisational performance or development.
Coaching benefits
In the late 90s, an American study for the Public Personnel Management Association examined the impact on managers of a 2 month, one hour a week, one to one coaching programme in comparison to classroom style training workshops. The training intervention increased manager productivity by 22%, but adding the 8 week coaching programme after the training increased productivity to an impressive 88%. Similarly, on an individual basis, my client testimonials repeatedly report on the positive impact of coaching in terms of clearer focus, improvements in productivity and increased levels of achievement
Coaching: is it right for you?
When did you last consider your business goals for the week, the month, the year, the next 2, 3, 5 years and so on? Did you ever take time to write these down?
Thinking about your goals, and the action steps by which you will reach them, may be challenge enough. Brian Tracy suggests however, that of goals committed to writing, even with no further conscious action on behalf of the writer, 80% of them will actually be achieved, simply because that individual has clarified the vision of what they want. When did you last clarify a vision of your future, design an action plan to get there, then commit it all to writing? Can you risk your continued level of performance to not?
Identifying, exploring and writing down goals in the sessions allows the Coach to facilitate the Coachee in establishing ways to measure their desired outcomes and promote accountability for their achievements, and see results.
If increased productivity and performance are on your business wish list, why not make an action plan to get there with the support of Nikki Alderson Coaching, by making contact?
“A dream without a plan is just a wish”
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