Raising the Bar: empowering female lawyers through coaching

As a former criminal barrister with 19 years’ experience, now specialist coach supporting law firms and Chambers retain female talent, Nikki Alderson knows only too well the challenges faced by women within the legal profession in achieving their full potential.

Raising the Bar: empowering female lawyers through coaching” is the book she wished she’d had when negotiating her “career crossroads”. It supports women in law to navigate their own paths to success, by introducing the benefits of coaching through the sharing of ideas and exercises which readers can test out for themselves.

It has been described as “A great guide for female lawyers (and women more generally in any career), trying to balance the pressures of work and personal lives in a society where "having it all" isn't straightforward. A wonderful mix of personal experience and insights with practical coaching skills”

Whilst the book highlights some of these challenges, more importantly it offers workable solutions for female lawyers to have long and happy lives in law.


I got so much from “Raising the Bar”. I only wished I’d read it before or at the point of having kids! This will help a lot of people, especially women facing the work/ family conundrum. Congratulations on putting something so positive out there and finding something that so suits your talents

Louise Lawyer

Buy this book, Ladies! A compelling, enlightening and educational read. Although I work in commerce, the very same principles apply. Highly recommended for any woman out there working or returning to the workplace

Anon Working in Commerce

Brilliant, practical and easy to digest: Great advice and practical tips for planning your career no matter what stage you are at. Nikki breaks it down into easy chunks and exercises - the same ones you do with a coach...It’s a book not just for lawyers but anyone who wants to progress their career. However, it is a must for those entering the profession. I wish I had read this 20 years ago

Steve. W Criminal Defence Lawyer

Inspirational and practical: Great book. Easy to read but also so helpful! It's full of exercises that leave you feeling empowered and able. I would recommend this to all women - not just lawyers

Karan Lawyer

Want to connect?

If you’d like to find out more about my leadership coaching, career coaching or specialist support for female lawyers and law firms, message me here – I’d love to help.